
Quiz on Islam for Grade 4

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  • How many total verses are there in the Quran?
  • To whom was the holy book Injeel revealed?
    Prophet Isa (as)
  • In Surah Al Kahaf, which animal is mentioned with the companions of the cave?
  • What day is this? OR Where is this? OR What are the people doing?
    Day of Arafah, Jabal Ar Rahma, Performing one of the rituals of Hajj
  • Which surah starts without "bismillah"?
    Surah Taubah
  • The companions of Prophet Muhammad (saw) first migrated to which country?
  • How many surahs in the Quran start with the word "Qul"?
    5, Al-Jinn(72), Al-Kafiroon(109), Al-Ikhlas(112), Al-Falaq(113), Al-Naas(114)
  • What is this?
    Maqaam Ibrahim (footprints of Prophet Ibrahim)
  • Recite what the women must be reciting at this moment in salah.
    At tahhiyaat
  • Who deserves your care most after your mother?
    Your father
  • Name the Angel who was appointed to deliver messages to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah?
    Angel Jibreel
  • Name the mountain where the Quran was revealed.
    Jabal An Noor
  • Name the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw)
  • What are the four sacred months in the Islamic calendar?
    Rajab, Zul Qa'dah, Zul Hijjah, Muharram
  • To whom was the holy book Zabur revealed?
    Prophet Dawud (as)
  • State at least five names of Allah (swt) besides Allah
    Any of the 99 names besides Allah
  • Which female companion revealed the most hadith (actions & sayings) regarding Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
    Aisha (ra)
  • Which country is called the land of prophets?
  • Say one dua
    Any dua
  • How many daughters did Prophet Muhammad (saw) have?
  • The Holy Quran was revealed over how many years?
    23 years
  • Who was the foster mother of Prohphet Muhammad?
  • Name the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw)
  • The first masjid on the face of earth is?
    Masjid Al Haraam in Mecca