
Past Continuous - T2

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  • Bob ..................... (run) fast when he slipped and fell.
    was running
  • Susan ................. (travel) to Santos when I saw her at the bus station.
    was travelling
  • My friends ................ (relax) on the beach yesterday when it started to rain.
    were relaxing
  • While he ..................... (prepare) dinner, he cut his finger.
    was preparing
  • When I got up this morning, my father .................. (listen) to the radio in the kitchen
    was listening
  • They.......... (play) volleyball when one of them ......... (fall) on the floor.
    were playing / fell
  • She ......... (break) her leg while she ..................... (ski) in the Alps.
    broke / was skiing
  • Matt ................ (use) the computer when the modem crashed.
    was using
  • I ......... (read) a book when you called me.
    was reading