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  • What is a daredevil?
    Someone who is daring and self-confident, but can be stubborn
  • What is a perfectionist?
    Someone who is sensible and thorough, but can be picky
  • DEFINITION: helpful and kind to those in need
  • What is a nurturer?
    Someone who is affectionate and supportive, but can be a pushover
  • DEFINITION: inflexible; unwilling to change your mind
  • She ate a horrible pizza yesterday. She wishes _______________.
    she hadn't eaten that pizza.
  • DEFINE: upbeat
    positive and cheerful
  • She doesn't speak Spanish. She wishes ______________
    (that) she spoke Spanish.
  • DEFINITION: creative; original; inventive; new
  • I can't see him there is a man in the way. I wish ____________.
    the man would move / the man wasn't in the way
  • DEFINE: thorough
    careful; detailed
  • DEFINE: ambitious
    very motivated to succeed
  • DEFINE: sensible
    logical; realistic
  • DEFINE: demanding
    difficult; insisting that something be one your way
  • DEFINITION: keeping one's own feelings hidden
  • DEFINITION: hopeful; believing in the best
  • I was very unhappy yesterday. I wish _______________
    I hadn't been so unhappy.
  • John can't hear Sally she is speaking too quietly. John wishes that ___________.
    Sally would speak louder / Sally didn't speak so quietly
  • DEFINITION: critical; hare to please; choosy
  • DEFINE: pushover
    a person who is easily influenced by others
  • What is a philosopher?
    Someone who is patient and wise, but can seem reserved
  • DEFINE: get along (with someone)
    to have a friendly relationship with someone else
  • What is a romantic?
    Someone who is idealistic and innovative, but can be practical
  • I'm kind of shy. I wish____________
    I weren't so shy. (wasn't for spoken)
  • What is a go-getter?
    Someone who is ambitious and upbeat, but can be demanding
  • DEFINITION: loving and warm