
Review of Perek 50 part 2

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  • טז – What does it mean “they commanded to יוסף”?
    They commanded a messenger to speak to יוסף
  • יז - What was the message to יוסף?
    Before your father died, he said to forgive the evil that your brothers did to you.
  • יז - Why does it say עבדי אלקי אביך?
    Even if your father is no longer alive, ה' still is and they are his servants.
  • כד - What were the words used that ה' will remember them and take them out?
    פקד יפקד
  • טז – Who did they send to speak to יוסף?
    בני בלהה
  • טז – What difference did the brothers notice?
    יוסף no longer was inviting them to his table.
  • יז - Did יעקב actually say that? Why not? No. He didn’t suspect יוסף of doing anything to them.
    No. He didn’t suspect יוסף of doing anything to them.
  • יח - What did the brothers do?
    They came and fell on their faces before him – “We will be your servants!”
  • טו - What were the brothers worried about?
    יוסף hates us and will take revenge on them for the bad they did to him.
  • כב - How long did יוסף live?
    110 years
  • טז – Who did they send to speak to יוסף?
    בני בלהה
  • כג – Who did יוסף help raise?
    3 generations from אפרים, grandsons from מנשה
  • יט – What does יוסף answer?
    “Am I instead of ה'!?”
  • כה - What does יוסף make them swear?
    To take out his bones when בנ"י leave מצרים
  • כא - How did יוסף “speak to their heart”?
    He said convincing things: I was considered a slave until you came down, what would people say if I would kill you!?
  • יט - How does רש"י explain that what he said?
    You all tried to do bad against me and ה' made it be good. Will I by myself be able to do bad to all of you!?
  • יז - How did יוסף react when he heard the message?
    He cried
  • כא - How does יוסף continue to calm them?
    [Not only will he not hurt them…] Don’t worry, I will support you and your children.