
Coping Skills

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  • Minecraft question: How many blocks of iron ore does it take to make on iron ingot?
    ONE !
  • What is that sound?
  • If we lose a game, how do we feel ? How do we act?
    It is okay to FEEL sad or mad It is not okay to do or say hurtful things Keep a positive attitude Think to yourself “This is just a game”.There will be other
  • Minecraft :Which tool must you use to mine stone and ores ?
  • How can you ask for a break? What does a break look like?
    You can use your words and tell the staff member that you need a break. You can turnSh away from your screen and take deep breaths.
  • what can you make with wood in Minecraft?
    signs,tools and paintings.
  • Name 3 video games !
    Pacman, minecraft,Animal Crossing..
  • What does anger feel or look like? (Remember everyones anger looks different)
    Screaming, crying, shaking, breathing hard,.....etc.
  • Minecraft Question: Which of these is the name of alternate world to which you can travel: The Under? The Void? The Nether?
  • Name 3 animals in minecraft.
    Pigs, sheep,cow , chicken,rabbits, horses,..etc...
  • What is a coping skill?
    Tools and techniques you can use to help handle difficult emotions and stress
  • How do you ask for help if you do not understand something?
    raise your hand, use your words, use the chat box,email
  • If the link to a class assignment is not working on Canvas, what can you do?
    Don’t worry about it & wait till the teacher fixes the link.
    Let your teacher know immediately or send them an email.
  • How can we question our thoughts when we are upset?
  • Name 3 characters from mario cart!
    Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad.....
  • Minecraft question : What must you use to collect water and lava?
  • If you feel very angry and like screaming, what can you do to calm down?
    Ask for a break, excuse yourself, turn off your camera off. Come back calm and use your words.
  • Break ! Exercise or stretch of your choice.
  • If you lose a game and you yell at your friends, say hurtful things how do you think they will feel? Will they play with you again?
  • Name 3 game consoles!
    Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch,Wii
  • What is a sore winner? What is a sore loser?
    A sore winner brags over victory . & a sore loser is a person who becomes very upset or angry when he or she loses a game
  • What does sad look or feel like? (Remember everyone's sad feelings can look and feel different)
    Crying, very quite, etc.....