
CME 第五单元

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  • 我们每天早上八点开始上课。
    We start our lessons at 8 o'clock in the morning.
  • 周末我们一家人经常去打网球。
    Our family often go to play tennis at weekend.
  • 他有三个好朋友,他们今年都十二岁。
    He has 3 good friends. They are all 12 years old this year.
  • 晚饭以后,我一般会上一会儿网。
    After dinner, I usually go on internet for a little while.
  • 妹妹喜欢一边听音乐,一边看书。
    My little sister likes to listen to music while reading a book.
  • 我不太喜欢校服的颜色。
    I don't like the colour of my uniform very much.
  • 我周末在家开生日会。
    I have a birthday party at weekend.
  • 她的连衣裙有长的,也有短的。
    She has some long dresses, also some short ones.
  • 到家以后,我先吃点儿零食,然后做作业。
    After arriving home, I eat some snacks, then do my homework.
  • 从星期一到星期五,他妈妈早上八点半去上班。
    From Monday to Friday, his mum goes to work at 8:30 in the morning.
  • 你今年做什么课外活动?
    What after school activities do you do this year?
  • 我有很多爱好:游泳,打冰球,踢足球等等。
    I have a few hobbies, swimming, playing ice hockey, playing football etc.
  • 你们星期六下午三点来我家,好吗?
    Can you come to my home at 3 in the afternoon on Saturday?
  • 你们学校的男生穿什么校服?
    What uniform do the boys wear in your school?
  • 爸爸有很多衬衫,有蓝色的,白色的,黄色的等等。
    dad has lots of shirts, blue, white, yellow etc.
  • 我先看一会儿电视,然后看书。
    I watch TV for a little while first, then read a book.