
Practice Frequently Used Tenses

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  • Is this PREDICTION based on a SPEAKER'S opinion or a FACT? My knees hurt and I think it will rain
    PREDICTION based on a SPEAKER'S opinion
  • Which tense is this? We are getting married next month.
    Present Continuous - future firm plans
  • Which of these constructions do we use to talk about predicitions based on our opinion? WILL or BE GOING TO
  • Which tense is this? Sorry, I'm in a hurry
    Present Simple
  • Which tense is this? I HAD BEEN WAITING for his airplane for 2 hours when it was announced about delay.
    Past Perfect Continuous
  • Put a general question to this: Rowling wrote her first book at the age of six.
    Did Rowling write her first book at the age of six?
  • Put a genereal question to this: "My daughter will pay you back tomorrow."
    Will your daughter pay me back tomorrow?
  • Is this a future plan or a spontaneous decision? I am going on a business trip tomorrow
    A future plan
  • Which continuous tense is this? The father is writing a will
    Present Continuous
  • I saw many puddles. Had it been raining? OR I saw many puddles. Was it raining?
    Had it been raining? because this action happened first
  • Which tense is this? He IS LOOKING FOR a new job since he have been dismissed.
    Present Continuous
  • Is this correct? "Thomas were reading a book from 5 to 7"
    NO - "was reading"
  • You are in a restaurant and made an instant decision to eat a pizza which tense is correct to use in this case? "I'm going to get a pizza!" or "I'll have a pizza!"
    I'll have a pizza - a spontaneous decision
  • Which tense is this? It WAS SNOWING when we went out.
    Past Continuous
  • Is this correct? "What was you have for breakfast this morning?"
    NO - did you have
  • I asked him where he was from OR I asked him where was he from
    I asked him where he was from - affirmative
  • Answer this question: By the way, have you ever done a parachute jump?
    Short answers: No, I haven't! OR Yes, I have!