
Season Riddles, 3 actions 1 Festival, Proofreadi ...

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  • Proofreading: I like summer best because I usually wear a boot on rainy days.
    I like summer best because I usually wear boots on rainy days.
  • Season Riddle: The weather is cool and windy, Leaves has change the colors of clothes already, They fall off the trees, We usually go hiking with our family. Which season am I?
    3. Fall/ Autumn
  • Season Riddle: The weather is warm and foggy, Flowers start to grow beautifully, You may bring an umbrella when you go to the park, Because I usually rain and the sky turns dark. Which season am I?
    1. Spring
  • Proofreading: I like get red packets at Chinese New Year.
    I like getting red packets at Chinese New Year.
  • 3 actions, 1 festival: get presents, look at Christmas lights, decorate trees with lights
  • 3 actions, 1 festival: watch fireworks and parades, buy good luck flowers and red paper in the flower market, get red packets
    Chinese New Year
  • Season Riddle: The weather is sunny and hot, People wear shorts and vest, They usually go to the beach and swim, Put on sunscreen and eat ice-cream. Which season am I?
    2. Summer
  • Season Riddle: The weather is cold and dry, Wear a scarf and gloves or you may cry, People build snowmans and eat hotpot, Would Santa come or not? Which season am I?
    4. Winter
  • 3 actions, 1 festival: eat moon cakes, tie riddles to lanterns, look at the lunar moon
    Mid-Autumn Festival
  • Proofreading : I usually watch the dragon boat races in Dragon Boat Festival.
    I usually watch the dragon boat races at Dragon Boat Festival.
  • 3 actions, 1 festival: watch dragon boat races, eat rice dumplings, don't eat the man, Fish!
    Dragon Boat Festival
  • 3 actions, 1 festival: eat chocolate eggs, worship a man who died for our sin, painting eggs