
Let's practice Connectors and Phrasal verbs

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  • Would you rather have cheese (for-nor-or-so) bologna on your sandwich?
    Would you rather have cheese or bologna on your sandwich?
  • She is _______ intelligent ______ beautiful (not only, but also - either, or - both, and)
    She is both intelligent and beautiful
  • (give up- ran into -stand up) when speaking in class, please.
    Stand up when speaking in class, please.
  • The police would not _____ to the kidnapper’s demands. (give up/ give in)
    The police would not give in to the kidnapper’s demands.
  • I don't want to go to the movies (although-because-whenever-so that) I hate the smell of popcorn
    I don't want to go to the movies because I hate the smell of popcorn
  • We’re going to have to _____ our trip to Spain until September. (put up/ put off)
    We’re going to have to put off our trip to Spain until September.
  • (because-until-although-not that) spring arrives, we have to to be prepared for more snow.
    Until spring arrives, we have to be prepared for more snow
  • My dog enjoys being bathed (but-and-nor-so) hates getting nails trimmed
    My dog enjoys being bathed but hates getting nails trimmed
  • Be sure to (put on - think up- stand up) a life jacket before getting into the boat.
    Be sure to put on a life jacket before getting into the boat
  • I just can’t seem to _____ this book. (get off / get into )
    I just can’t seem to get into this book.
  • I will _____ go for a hike _____ stay home and watch TV (both, and - neither, nor- either, or)
    I will either go for a hike or stay home and watch TV
  • ___________ did Mary grill burgers for Michael, _____ she _____ fixed the steak for her dog Vinny (either, or - not only, but also - neither, nor)
    Not only did Mary grill burgers for Michael, but she also fixed the steak for her dog Vinny
  • His father always taught him not to _____ those people with less. (look up to / look down on)
    His father always taught him not to look down on those people with less.
  • You can eat your cake with a spoon (for-nor-or-so) fork
    you can eat your cake with a spoon or fork
  • I would like to buy a new car, (but - although- because- so) I don't have enough money
    I would like to buy a new car, although I don't have enough money
  • Every night, ______ loud music _____ fighting neighbors wake John from his sleep (neither, nor - not, only, but, also - either, or)
    Every night, either loud music or fighting neighbors wake John from his sleep
  • It’s important to _____ on time. (show up / show off)
    It’s important to show up on time.
  • His two favorite sports are football (or-and-nor-for) tennis
    His two favorite sports are football and tennis
  • ’m so tired of Sophie _____ her engagement ring all the time. (showing off, showing up)
    I’m so tired of Sophie showing off her engagement ring all the time.
  • Stop complaining and _____ your work! (get on with - get in- get over)
    Stop complaining and get on with your work!
  • (after-although-before-even if) the basement flooded, we spent all day cleaning
    After the basement flooded, we spent all day cleaning
  • I've only seen five bears (until-since-although-because) I moved to Canada
    I've only seen five bears since I moved to Canada
  • I _____ Karl today at the supermarket. It was great to see him. (ran out of / ran into)
    I ran into Karl today at the supermarket. It was great to see him
  • ________ Debra _______ Sally expressed annoyance when the cat broke the antique lamp (not only, but also - neither, nor - either, or)
    Neither Debra nor Sally expressed annoyance when the cat broke the antique lamp
  • Bill refuses to eat peas, (for-but-nor-so) will he touch carrots
    Bill refuses to eat peas, nor will he touch carrots