
Living Systems and Laws of Conservation

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  • What is the ultimate source of energy for food webs?
    The Sun
  • How do plants follow the law of conservation of mass during photosynthesis?
    The amount of each element in the reactants equals the amount of each element in the products.
  • What is the role of a producer?
    To transform energy from the sun to make food.
  • What is a carnivore?
    An animal that eats other animals
  • The law of conservation of energy states that-
    energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
  • What is any class of organisms occupying the same position in a food chain, such as primary consumers or secondary consumers?
    Trophic level
  • The law of conservation of matter states-
    Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.
  • What are organisms that get their energy by feeding on primary consumers in the food chain?
    Secondary consumers
  • What do we use to show how much energy transfers to the next trophic level in a food chain?
    Energy pyramid
  • If only 10% of energy moves through each level of the energy pyramid, what happens to the other 90%?
    It is converted into heat and energy for all life functions.
  • The fact that decomposers transfer energy stored in the molecules of the dead organism to create new biomass for other organisms to feed on is evidence of which law of conservation?
    Law of conservation of energy
  • What are animals that eat only plants or plant products?
  • What are organisms, such as bacteria and fungi, that break down the remains of dead plants and animals without need for internal digestion?
  • What is an energy path from one organism to another showing a linked series; feeds on the one prior to it in the series?
    Food chain
  • Why do most food webs only have three or four levels?
    There is not enough energy to support more
  • What are organisms that transform energy from the sun and use carbon dioxide and water to make food?
  • What is a system consisting of all the interactions that occur between the abiotic and biotic factors within an environment?
  • What are organisms that get their energy by feeding on producers in the food chain?
    Primary consumers
  • The amount of each element in the reactants of photosynthesis equals the amount of each element in the products is evidence of which law of conservation?
    Law of conservation of mass
  • What are overlapping food chains with different pathways for the flow of food energy in an ecosystem?
    Food web
  • What is an organism that gets its energy by eating secondary consumers?
    Tertiary consumer
  • The fact that the total mass of a dead organism equals the total mass of matter released to the environment by decomposition demonstrates which law of conservation?
    Law of conservation of mass
  • What are organisms that feed on other organisms in a food chain?