
Money Questions (New Cutting Edge, Teacher's Boo ...

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  • What do you call someone who bets on horses or goes to casinos?
    a gambler
  • Which preposition? 'Excuse me, could you tell me the price ........ that computer?'
  • What do you call the type of money that only exists in computers?
  • If you move to a new country and want to put your money in a bank, what do you need to do?
    Open an account.
  • Which word is missing? 'I'd like to go to Italy on holiday, but I can't .............. it.'
  • Which preposition? 'I spend a lot of money ........ clothes.'
  • What do you call money that is round and made of metal?
  • Which of these three verbs is irregular and what is the past tense? invest win earn
    win (past tense won)
  • Which of these three verbs is irregular and what is the past tense? borrow lose change
    lose (past tense lost)
  • Which of these three verbs is irregular and what is the past tense? save waste bet
    bet (past tense bet)
  • Which word is missing? (At a restaurant) 'Excuse me, is ............. included?
  • Which verb is correct? 'Could you borrow/lend me some money until tomorrow?'
  • Which two word are missing? 'Can I pay for this ..... ........ card?
    by credit
  • Which preposition? 'I borrowed $10 .......... my brother.'
  • Which preposition? 'He invested all his money ........... a new technology company.'
  • Which preposition? 'John is always very careful .......... money.'
  • If you owe someone money, what should you do as soon as possible?
    Pay him / her back.
  • Which verb is correct? 'If you buy that car, you'll be wasting/spending your money. It's over 20 years old!'
  • Which of these three verbs is irregular and what is the past tense? lend pay owe
    lend (past tense lent)
  • Which word is correct? 'I win/earn about $2,000 a month.'
  • Which preposition? 'Peter bets ........ football matches every weekend.'
  • What do you call the money that you leave for the waiter at the end of a meal?
    a tip
  • What body action is this?
  • Which preposition? 'I'd like to change a hundred pounds ............ dollars?'