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  • How often do you watch a movie?
    I... watch a movie.
  • How often do you eat in a restaurant at the moment?
    I ... eat in a restaurant at the moment
  • How often does your sister go skating?
    She ... goes skating.
  • How often do you play football?
    I ... play football
  • How often do you listen to English songs?
    I ... listen to English songs.
  • How often does your German teacher wear jeans?
    My German teacher ... wears jeans.
  • How often do you forget your homework.
    I ... forget my homework.
  • How often does your best friend write an email?
    He/She ... writes an email.
  • How often does your dad read a book?
    My dad...reads a book.
  • How often does your geography teacher use the beamer?
    She... uses the beamer.
  • How often does your mum eat sushi?
    She ... eats sushi.
  • How often does your grandma play video games?
    My grandma ... plays video games.
  • How often do you drink water?
    I ... drink water.
  • How often do cats sleep?
    Cats ... sleep.
  • How often do you come to school late?
    I ... come to school late.
  • How often do you and your family eat vegetables?
    We ... eat vegetables.
  • How often does your neighbour drive a car?
    He/She ... drives a car.