
Watson's Go to Birmingham Ch. 5

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  • What is Joetta told that makes her think that Momma does have to burn Byron?
    “No,dear,Momma doesn’t want to hurt Byron,but I don’t want you going to school smelling like smoke either, and I don’t want to see you or Kenneth or Daddy..."
  • Even though he feels bad for Byron, Kenny thinks he deserves to be punished. Why?
    He wants him to receive the punishment he deserves and be stuck in Birmingham during the summer
  • Why didn’t Byron run away when Kenny told him to?
    He had nowhere to run/It would have made the issue worse
  • How come Byron never gets burned?
    Joey keeps blowing out the matches
  • Why is Momma so sensitive to the idea of Byron playing with matches?
    she remembers her own bad experience, doesn't want the house to catch on fire, and doesn't like that he disobeyed her.