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  • What time is it?
    It´s two forty-five /it´s a quarter to three
  • Who do you study with?
    I study with my mom
  • What time is it?
    it´s four o´clock
  • When do you like to study?
    In the morning / in the afternoon / at night / in the evening
  • When is your English class?
    It´s from Tuesday to Thursday, at 1030 am
  • What´s your favorite day of the year?
    It´s Christmast / it´s Mother´s day / it´s father´s day
  • What holiday or especial days are in the photos?
    It´s a birthday / a Graduation ......
  • Do you wake up late? What time do you wake up?
    Yes, I do / I wake up at 1 pm
  • How many people attend your bithday?
    a lot of people / a few people
  • When do you have class?
    I have class on Mondays
  • Are you free tomorrow?
    Yes, I am / no, I´m not
  • What does your mom do on Saturday?
    She goes out with friends
  • What do you want to do tonight?
    I want to go dancing, I want to go to a party
  • Which festival is your favorite? why? Barranquilla Carnival / Independence of Cgena
    teacher´s answer
  • Where do you like to play?
    I like to play at home
  • Do you watch TV? / What do you watch?
    Yes, I do / I watch series
  • Do you do your homeworks?
    Yes, I do
  • Do you play sports? What kind of sport do you play?
    Yes, I do / I play basketball
  • Do you spend time with your family?
    Yes I do
  • Tell me the moth of the year
    January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Is tomorrow a holyday?
    Yes, It is / no, it isn´t / I´m not sure. It could be / I don´t really know
  • what´s your typical morning like?
    I wake up at 5 o´clock, then I wash my face, next ......
  • Tell me the days of the week
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
  • Do you have plans for Mother´s day? What do you plan?
    yes, I do / I plan to invite my mom to eat
  • What time is it?
    It´s two thirty-five
  • Do you go shopping? When do you go shopping?
    Yes, I do / I go shopping on Fridays
  • What do you do on Valentine´s day?
    I have a party / I buy new clothes / I eat especial meals / I eat chocolates
  • What time is it?
    it´s two thirty / it´s half past two
  • When is Mother´s day?
    I´m not sure. It could be on May 9th