
Review MID Exam PADV-1

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  • There are many advantages in being a singer. _________, I can't go on the street without having fans talking to me. A) However. B) Although. C) At First.
  • I'll be very happy if...
    (Simple Present Tense)
  • (Superlative+) Japanese is ____ _____ difficult language in the world.
    the most
  • If you eat too much sugar...
  • Cars are ______ than motorcycles. A) more safe B) more easy C) safer
  • I'll go to the party if...
    (Simple Present Tense)
  • (Comparative=) I love all Italian food. Pizza is _____ Lasagna. A) better than B) as good as C) more good than
    as good as
  • During the quarantine people _______ to remove their masks. A) is allowed B) are not allowed C) can't allowed
    are not allowed
  • To pass a course or exam easily and with a high score
    To pass with flying colors
  • _______ I had absolutely no money, I asked the price of the car. A) however. B) Although. C) But.
  • Not to go to class (skip class)
    To cut class
  • To study very hard for an exam
    To cram for an exam
  • If I have some free time tomorrow...
  • When I ________ decided to go home, the guys ordered a delicous cake. A) then. B) however. C) finally.
  • (Comparative+) Brazil is ______ beautiful _______ Portugal.
  • I was impressed ________, but then I remembered it was sunday. A) however B) finally C) at first
    at first
  • I don't like to work in this place (tired of)
    I'm tired of working in this place
  • I'm not exactly excited to go on this trip (look forward to)
    I'm not exactly looking forward to going on this trip
  • I have a talent to tell stories (be good at)
    I am good at telling stories
  • Someone who reads a lot