
CIE Psychology

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  • What is the difference between MAOIs and SSRIs?
    One inhibits the work of the enzyme monamine oxidase which usually breaks down serotonin. The other stops serotonin being broken down. SSRIs are newer.
  • What stage of psychosexual development was Little Hans going through?
    Phallic stage (accept Oedipus complex)
  • What does ABC stand for in CBT?
    Activating event, beliefs (about events), consequences (emotional and behavioral responses)
  • Where did Gottesman and Shields take their sample from?
    Maudsley hospital London
  • What does EMDR stand for?
    Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing
  • What does the dopamine hypothesis suggest?
    brains of those with schizophrenia produce more dopamine than those without
  • Describe the Kleptomania symptom assessment scale (KSAS)
    11-item self report measuring impulses, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours related to stealing. Considered over last 7 days. on 0-4 or 0-5 scale
  • What are the biomedical explanations of OCD?
    Genetic (SLITRK3, PTPRD), biochemical (Oxytocin), Neurological (basal ganglia)
  • Name one measure of anxiety disorders
    BIPI, GAD-7
  • What is the feeling-state theory?
    intense desire + intense positive experience = feeling-state
  • What are the four treatments of Schizophrenia?
    Biochemical (antipsychotics), ECT, Token economy, CBT
  • Which treatment of impulse-control disorders draws on classical conditioning?
    Covert sensitisation
  • What is a hallucination?
    sensory experiences that may involve seeing or hearing things that do not exist
  • Where is an increase of dopamine seen in the brain in schizophrenic patients?
    Broca's region
  • What is body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) characterised by?
    involves obsessive thoughts with perceived faults in one's physical appearance. obsessions of imagined flaws or defects on the skin around the face and head
  • Describe Beck's depression inventory
    21-item self report meausre assessing attitudes and symptoms for depression. Each item consists of four statements on a scale of 0-3.
  • Which serotonin recpetor is shown to have a small relationship with depression?
  • What are the six characteristics of addiction according to Griffiths (2005)
    Salience, mood modification, tolerance, conflict, withdrawal, relapse
  • What philosophy is Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT) based on?
  • Who researched symptom assessment of schizophrenia using virtual reality?
    Freeman (2008)
  • What are the three treatments of anxiety disorders (phobias)
    Applied tension, CBT, Systematic desensitisation
  • Who did Freud study with a fear of horses?
    Little Hans
  • What is a double blind trial?
    Neither participant or researcher knows treatment or intervention given