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  • I can’t come out on Friday evening because I have to stay home and look up / after my sister.
    look after
  • to argue with someone and stop being friendly with them
    fall out
  • Sara has fallen round / out with her best friend because they had a big argument.
    fallen out
  • to become friendly with someone again after you have argued with them
    make up
  • Come after/round tonight and we'll watch a video.
    come round
  • when two people end their relationship
    split up
  • to visit someone at their house
    come round
  • Shall we get together / on at the weekend and do something fun?
    get together
  • My brother has split on / up with his girlfriend. He’s so sad about it!
    Split up
  • to spend a lot of time in a particular group of people
    hang out
  • to take care of someone or something
    look after
  • I enjoy hanging out / after with my mates on Saturdays
    hanging out
  • They used to have lots in common, but Greg and Harry don’t really get on / up anymore.
    get on
  • two or more people get along, they like and are friendly to each other
    get on
  • to meet in order to do something or spend time together
    get together
  • They kissed and made up/round , as usual.
    made up