
Human Changes to the Environment

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  • Which item can be recycled: the plastic bottle, the greasy napkin, or the apple core?
    The plastic bottle.
  • Where do humans put their garbage: in landfills, in outer space, or it just disappears?
    In landfills.
  • Do humans change the land by farming, running or sleeping?
    By farming.
  • Do humans change the air by walking, riding bikes, or driving cars?
    Driving cars.
  • Do humans change the air with statues, factories or bridges?
    With factories.
  • What do humans make from crude oil: cotton, paper, or electricity?
  • Long ago, people made the things they need at home. Where are most of these things made now?
    In factories.
  • Which of these things did HUMANS put in the ocean?
  • Why do humans put this in the ocean?
    To drill for underground oil.
  • Do humans change the land by flying kites, mining coal or sailing boats?
    Mining coal.
  • Humans make changes to the environment, including the _____, water and air.
  • What does plastic do once it is in the ocean: it turns into sand, it disappears, or it hurts animals?
    Hurts animals.