
Earth Day

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  • Is it a good idea to use disposible straws, forks, kinives or spoons?
    No, we should be using reusable utensils and straws. Otherwise they are garbage.
  • Can you place black plastic containers in the blue box in Hamilton?
    No, these are not recycled in our city.
  • What can you reuse at home to prevent waste?
    Will accept several answers: paper, glass jars, bags, elastics, muti-use k-cups, boxes, etc...
  • Is styrofoam recyclable in Hamilton?
    No, the company that recycles for our city does not recycle styrofoam.
  • Why should we use garbage bins? Why not just put a bag out?
    A bag can be ripped open by wild animals. Garbage attracts rats & racoons. These animals are destructive to our properties & carry diseases that could harm pets
  • Are plastic bags recyclable in Hamilton?
    Yes, they belong in the container blue bin.
  • Should you be using disposible plastic water bottles?
    No. There is No need, A reusable bottle is best and the drinking water in the city and at school is good.
  • How can you recycle the items in your lunch that you eat at school?
    You can take them home.
  • Should you pick up garbage when you see it?
    Yes and no. Make sure you wear gloves and have a place to put it. Always ask an adult first.
  • Why should I use the green bin?
    Compostable materials should not go to the landfill. They can be used by the city to produce compost for gardening.
  • Why is it better to buy locally grown food?
    Less travel time to customer thus less gas used & less pollution. Knowing where your food comes from and what is in it. Fresh food tastes better. etc...
  • Why drive when you can?
    bike; walk; run; scooter; rollerblade; ebike; bus; car pool if need be; skateboard; train
  • How can you save water at home?
    Several answers: don't let water run; shorter shower; use rain barrel for garden; etc...
  • How can you save electricity at home?
    Answers: turn off lights; unplug machines not in use; turn of computer or tv; use LED bulbs; etc...
  • Should I feed birds bread?
    No, bread does not contain the necessary protein and fat birds need from their diet. Feed them bird seed. Put old bread in the compost bin.