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  • What time does the match start? Use: Can you tell me...?
    Can you tell me what time the match starts?
  • What does Jamie do for a living? Use: Do you have any idea of...?
    Do you have any idea of what Jamie does for a living?
  • Where does Natalie live? Use: I wonder ...
    I wonder where Natalie lives.
  • Are there any tickets left for the concert tonight? Use: Do you know...?
    Do you know if there are any tickets left for the concert tonight?
  • What's Anne's boyfriend's name? Use: I'm not sure...
    I'm not sure what Anne's boyfriend's name is.
  • What time does the winery open? Use: Do you know...?
    Do you know what time the winery opens?
  • How much did you pay for your new shoes? Use: Would you mind telling me...?
    Would you mind telling me how much you paid for your new shoes?
  • Where did we park the car? Use: I can't remember...
    I can't remember where I parked the car.
  • Where's the lift? Use: Can you tell me...?
    Can you tell me where the lift is?
  • When's Sally's birthday? Use: Do you remember...?
    Do you remember when Sally's birthday is?