
mind your own business

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  • Style of alphabet letters: a. forward b. attachment c. font
    c. font
  • Synonym of change: a. replay b. review c. modify
    c. modify
  • When you fast forward a message... a. you move it closer to its beginning b. you enter your access code. c. you move it closer to its end.
    you move it closer to its end
  • The working area of a computer screen: a. username b. underline c. desktop
    c. desktop
  • Answer: a. reply b. paste c. upper case letters
    a. reply
  • Another document sent in the same document: a. e-mail b. attachment c. background
    b. attachment
  • When the receiver isn't in the correct place we say it is ... a. outgoing message b. off the hook c. loudspeaker
    b. off the hook
  • Go out, leave: a. paste b. cut c.log out
    c. log out
  • A small picture: a. italics b. icon c. password
    b. icon
  • Go in, access: a. log out b. log in c. underline
    b. log in
  • Send on to someone else: a. forward b. bold c password
    a. forward
  • synonym of capital letters: a. lower case letters b. upper case letters c. flow chart
    b. upper case letters.
  • You can't listen to a message... a. after you delete it b. when you want to contact someone c. to record an outgoing message.
    a. after you delete it
  • Press the button on the mouse twice: a. bold b. double click c. flow chart
    b. double click
  • A group of sentences on the same topic: a. paragraph b. underline c. flow chart
    a. paragraph
  • You dial a phone number... a. to rewind b. to contact someone c. to enter your access code
    to contact someone
  • What is this?
    a flow chart
  • Synonym of place: a. replay b. retrieve c. location
    c. location
  • Synonym of retrieve: a. get b. play again c. change
    a. get