
Numbers 13-14

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  • What rumors were spread about the land of Canaan?
    That they couldn't grow anything in the soil, that the people were giants
  • How long did they explore the land of Canaan for?
    40 days
  • Review from last time: What was the tabernacle?
    It was the special tent that God had the Isrealites build. It was God's dwelling with them.
  • Why were the Israelites scared of the people in Canaan?
    They said, "The people are too strong for us!"
  • Where did the Israelites set up camp after leaving Sinai?
    Paran Desert
  • What did the Israelites promise to God at Mt. Sinai?
    That they would do everything God commanded
  • What did Moses ask the 12 tribal leaders to do in Canaan?
    Go look at the hill country and see what the region was like.
  • Review: God provided for his people in the desert, but how?
    water from a rock, manna and quail
  • What fruit did Moses ask the spies to bring back with them?
  • "Look at this fruit! The land is flowing with _______ and ______!"
    Milk and Honey
  • God rescued his people from Egypt. They travelled through the ____ _____ and then travelled to Sinai.
    Red Sea