
Types of Conditional

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  • She … (not lose) her bag if she … (be) more careful
    wouldn’t have lost – had been
  • If you … (move) to another city, I … (phone) you every day.
    moved – would phone
  • John … (travel) around the world if he … (win) a lottery prize.
    would travel – won
  • If our parents … (not argue), we … (spend) the weekend together.
    hadn’t argued – would have spent
  •  If Sam ________ (take) an aspirin, she _________ (have) a headache now
    had taken / wouldn't have
  • I … (take) you to the airport if I … (have) a car.
    would have taken – had had
  •  If Kate ______ (have) enough money, she________ (can do) this trip to Hawaii last year.
    had / could have done,
  • If I … (know) her secret, I … (not tell) it to anyone.
    knew – wouldn’t tell
  • If we … (have) free time, we … (start) a new hobby.
    had – would start
  • She … (not mind) if you … (borrow) her car.
    wouldn’t mind – borrowed
  • If she ___ (meet) a nice guy Dean there, she wouldn’t have fallen in love with him.
    hadn’t met
  • If the driver … (not take) the wrong turning, we … (not arrive) late.
    hadn’t taken – wouldn’t have arrived
  • If I … (be) taller, I … (become) a basketball player.
    were – would become
  • You … (not visit) the doctor if you … (not drink) cold milk
    wouldn’t have visited – hadn’t drunk
  • They … (not allow) him to enter the office if he … (not put on) a tie
    wouldn’t have allowed – hadn’t put on
  • We … (go) to Spain this winter if we … (have) enough money.
    would go – had
  • If the storm … (not break out), the ship … (not sink)
    hadn’t broken out – wouldn’t have sunk
  • If he … (be) my friend, I … (invite) him to the party.
    were – would invite
  • If she hadn’t stayed in Paris, she (start) learning French.
    wouldn’t have started
  • If she (find) a good job there, she wouldn’t have earned much money.
    hadn’t found
  • They … (laugh) at me if I … (sing) this song.
    would laugh – sang
  • If I … (save) more money, I … (go) to Australia.
    had saved – would have gone