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  • 16.
  • 11.
    pretty & ugly
  • 10.
    strong & weak
  • 14.
    thin & thick
  • 4. Which one is lighter?
    The box
  • 2. Which one is softer, the chair or the sofa?
    The sofa is softer
  • 6. Which one is lighter?
    The potato chips
  • 12.
    dirty & clean
  • 3. Which one is harder, the rock or the sweater?
    The rock is harder
  • 5. Which ones are heavier?
    The potatoes
  • 15.
    lucky star
  • 9.
    tall & short
  • 13.
    old & young
  • 8. Which one is thicker?
    The book
  • 7. Which one is harder?
    The marble
  • 1. Which one is heavier, the elephant or the cat?
    The elephant is heavier