
The UK

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  • Who lives at 10 Downing Street, London?
    The Prime Minister of the UK
  • Which flag has a white cross on a blue background?
    The Scottish flag
  • What is a quid?
    One pound
  • Does the UK have any nuclear weapons?
  • Where is the English Channel?
    Between England and France
  • What city was William Shakespeare born in?
  • What are Wine Gums, Maltesers, and Creme Eggs?
    British candy
  • What is a double decker?
    A bus (also a chocolate bar)
  • Lady Jane Grey has had the shortest reign in the UK. For how long was she the queen?
    Nine days
  • Who was the first woman Prime Minister of the UK?
    Margaret Thatcher
  • How many wives did Henry VIII have?
  • How many people live in Wales?
    About 3 million
  • What is the river that flows through London?
    The Thames
  • Where is Belfast?
    In Northern Ireland (it's the capital)
  • How long was the reign of Queen Elizabeth II ?
    70 years
  • What city in England did the Beatles come from?
  • What is the word 'pub' short for?
    A public house
  • What are bagpipes?
    A musical instrument played in Scotland
  • What is the highest mountain in the UK?
    Ben Nevis (in Scotland)
  • What does the word 'loch' mean in Scotland?
    A lake (or a sea inlet)
  • What is 'God Save the King'?
    The national anthem of the UK
  • Where do they speak this language?
    in Wales
  • What are the four countries in the UK?
    England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • What animal is on the Welsh flag?
    A dragon
  • What is the West End in London famous for?
  • How many people live in England?
    about 56 million
  • What do people do on Guy Fawkes' Night (5th of November)?
    Set off fireworks and light bonfires (It's also called Bonfire Night)
  • What are Waterloo, Paddington and St Pancras?
    Train stations in London
  • What is the nickname of the London Underground?
    The Tube
  • What is the national flower of Wales? (You can answer in Finnish, too)
    A daffodil (Narsissi)
  • What are Aston Villa, Tottenham Hotspur and Crystal Palace?
    Football teams (from London)
  • What is the Union Jack?
    It's the flag of the UK
  • How many people live in Scotland?
    A little over 5 million
  • What is the capital of Wales?
  • How many people live in Northern Ireland?
    Almost 2 million
  • What is the most popular hot drink in the UK?