
GW 4 Unit 6

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  • ASK ABOUT THEIR HEALTH: _______? Yes, I have.
    Have you got a toothache?
  • What's the matter with HER?
    She's got a temperature.
  • Can you come see a film tonight?
    No, I can't. I've got a headache.
  • Have you got a sore throat?
    Yes, I have
  • ______ ______ come to the concert? No I can't. I've got an earache.
    CAN YOU come to the concert?
  • Have you got a cough?
    No, I haven't.
  • What's the matter with HER?
    She's got a toothache
  • ___ _____ come to the beach? No I can't. I've got a temperature
    CAN YOU come to the beach?
  • ASK ABOUT THEIR HEALTH: _______? No, I haven't.
    Have you got a ________?
  • What's the matter with YOU?
    I've got a backache
  • Have you got a cold?
    No, I haven't.
  • ASK ABOUT THEIR HEALTH: _______? Yes, I have.
    Have you got a cold?
  • Have you got a temperature?
    Yes, I have.
  • Can you play basketball today? .....
    No, I can't. I've got a cold.
  • ASK ABOUT THEIR HEALTH: _______? Yes, I have.
    Have you got a backache?
  • Have you got a toothache?
    No, I haven't.
  • What's the matter with HIM?
    He's got a sore throat.
  • What's the matter with YOU?
    I've got a cough
  • Can you come to dinner tonight?
    No, I can't. I've got a stomachache
  • Have you got a stomachache?
    Yes, I have.
  • _____ ______ play at the park? No I can't. I've got a cold.
    CAN YOU play at the park?
  • What's the matter with HIM?
    He's got a headache