
Modal Verb Camping

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  • Name 3 activities that you can do while Camping
    ex) go hiking, go canoeing, go on a nature walk, ect...
  • There will be mosquitoes, what should we do?
    We should bring bug spray/ bug repellent
  • Ouch! I hurt myself, what do I need
    ex) a first aid kit, a bandage/ Band-Aid,ect...
  • What's something that you think I should take (advice)
    Ex) I always think it's a good idea to bring a good book, you should take extra blankets, ect...
  • Name three things that you might see when you go camping
    ex)bears, mountains, lakes, rivers, ect...
  • It could rain on our camping trip, what should we bring?
    ex) we should remember to bring an umbrella, a raincoat, a tarp, a rain poncho, ect...
  • name 3 things you eat while camping
    ex) toasted marshmallows or s'mores, grilled hotdogs, baked beans, fresh fish, ect...
  • I need to cut this pizza but I don't have a knife, what should I do?
    ex) use a fork, wait until its cool enough to rip it with your hands, ect...
  • Give me something that I could take camping to make things easier (a suggestion)
    ex) You could take a lantern, an RV/ Caravan, a barbecue or a mini stove
  • We need to know what to do in case of an emergency, we must have a
  • Have you ever had an adventure before? If yes then name 3 things you have done before. If no, then name three things you would like to do.
    ex) Yes I have. I have been rock-climbing, ziplining, and white water rafting
  • I am lost, what is some advice you can give me?
    ex) you should try and find a landmark like a mountain 
  • name 3 things that could go wrong while camping
    ex) it could rain, someone could get hurt, someone could get lost, ect...
  • What is something you should never do when you are camping?
    ex) wander around the woods alone at night, forget to bring a map or a compass, ect...
  • What is something you have never done before?
    ex) I have never been skiing before.
  • It could get cold, what should we do?
    ex) We should bring a blanket, a sleeping bag, warm clothes, matches for a fire, ect...
  • What is something that I have to take (Very strong advice/ rule/ its dangerous if I don't)?
    ex) You have to take a tent, you must bring a first aid kit, ect...
  • What is something you cannot forget to bring?
    ex) A map, toilet paper, bug spray, sun screen, ect...
  • animals could eat your food, what should you do?
    ex) you should always remember to lock your food up, hang it from a tree, ect...
  • We could get lost, so we should have a...
    ex)map, compass, plan, ect...
  • Have you ever been camping before? If yes what was your favorite part? If no, then would you like to go camping? Why what sounds the most fun?
    ex) Yes, I have been camping many times, I love it. My favorite part is the campfire. I love singing songs, telling spooky stories, and toasting s'mores
  • It will get dark, we should bring
    ex) a flashlight/torch, a lantern, ect...
  • you have reached the top of the mountain what can you see?
    ex) the horizon or skyline, a beautiful view, the forest down below, ect...
  • What is something I need to do before I leave for my camping trip?
    ex) Double check your supplies, check the weather, make sure your first aid kit is full, ect...
  • We need to know what to do in case of an emergency, we must have a
  • I'm going camping what advice can you give me?
    Ex) Remember to double check your supplies so you don't forget anything, remember to have a plan, ect...