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  • What time do you go to bed? at......
    teacher´s decision
  • I ca remember.......
    teacher´s decision
  • Why Cartagena is a good place to live? Because ......
    teacher´s decision
  • How many people are there in your University? There........(a lot)
    teacher´s decision
  • What´s your favorite sport to watch? it´s soccer................
    teacher´s decision
  • What do you want for your birthday? I want........
    teacher´s decision
  • Where is...........? it´s next to the café
    teacher´s decision
  • Does your father like to play chess? yes, he......., well, .........
    teacher´s decision
  • What does your girlfriend need? She needs........
    teacher´s decision
  • Do you want to dance? Sorry,..........
    teacher´s decision
  • Why do you admire your mom? because she......
    teacher´s decision
  • In bed, I.........
    teacher´s decision
  • Where are you going? I´m going ..........
    teacher´s decision
  • What does your mom like? she likes.............
    teacher´s decision
  • What´s one thing you learned in the last year? I learned......
    teacher´s decision
  • What do you do in the morning? I...........
    teacher´s decision
  • How many parks are there in your neighborhood? There.......
    teacher´s decision
  • what does your cousing hate? He hates.........
    teacher´s decision
  • Do you want a coke? No, thanks. .........
    teacher´s decision
  • I never forget........
    teacher´s decision
  • What do you want to do this weekend? I like to......
    teacher´s decision
  • What do you hate? I hate to.........
    teacher´s decision
  • Can you play--------well? yes, I can
    teacher´s decision
  • What are two things you like about your teacher? Let´s see.......I like.......
    teacher´s decision
  • Who´s your favorite atlete? Well, my ........
    teacher´s decision
  • There are a my neighborhood
    teacher´s decision
  • In my city, there are a lot of..........
    teacher´s decision
  • How much pollution is there in your city? there..........
    teacher´s decision
  • How much noise is there in your house? There ________ much (not)
    teacher´s decision
  • I ________ wake up at night
    teacher´s decision
  • Which sport do you most like to play? I love tennis.....
    teacher´s decision
  • Where do you plan to go next year? I plan to.......
    teacher´s decision
  • What´s your favorite event to watch? I love to watch news.......
    teacher´s decision
  • In the morning, I usually...........
    teacher´s decision