
Cellular Respiration and the Carbon Cycle

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  • When running, a person takes deep breaths in order to get which gas from the air?
  • What are the products of cellular respiration?
    Carbon dioxide, water, and ATP energy
  • What is the process that combines water, carbon dioxide, and light to make sugar?
  • What gas is produced by plants during photosynthesis that animals use for respiration?
  • A large number of plants and trees were destroyed by a forest fire. What will happen in the area; oxygen will increase or decrease??
    The amount of oxygen produced will decrease
  • Through what process do ALL living things add carbon to the atmosphere; eating plants, or decay?
  • The energy that animals need for their life functions is released when their cells...; break down carbon-based molecules, or, absorb water from the environment?
    break down carbon-based molecules
  • What is the process by which animals use oxygen and food to make energy and carbon dioxide?
  • What is the movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen on Earth by the processes of respiration and photosynthesis?
    The carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle
  • What gas is produced by animals during respiration that plants use for photosynthesis?
    Carbon dioxide
  • Which process is happening when carbon dioxide is moved from animals to the atmosphere?
  • Which process removes carbon from the atmosphere; decay or photosynthesis?
  • What do animals breathe out that plants absorb?
    Carbon dioxide
  • What process is happening when carbon dioxide is moved from the atmosphere to plants?
  • What gas do animals add to the atmosphere when they breathe?
    Carbon dioxide
  • What is the process where plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce sugar and release oxygen?
  • What would happen to animals in an area if all the plants were removed? Why?
    Animals would perish because the amount of oxygen would decrease
  • A large number of trees in the rainforest are cut down. What effect could this have on the carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle if the removal of so many plants and trees continues; carbon dioxide will increase or water vapor will increase?
    Carbon dioxide will increase