
Honestly, what would you do?

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  • How can you demonstrate honesty in this situation: You think no one will notice if you take two cookies from the tray when the sign says, "One cookie per person."
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  • How can you demonstrate honesty in this situation: The sign says you must be 13 years old to see the movie. Who will know that you're only 12?
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  • How can you demonstrate honesty in this situation: The cashier only charges you for two candy bars when you really bought three.
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  • How can you demonstrate honesty in this situation: You promised your mom you would clean your room, but you played Roblox instead.
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  • How can you demonstrate honesty in this situation: A friend asks if he can copy your answers during a test.
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  • How can you demonstrate honesty in this situation: You borrowed your friend's phone and lost it.
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  • How can you demonstrate honesty in this situation: At the store, you see one of your friends put something in her pocket without paying for it.
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  • How can you demonstrate honesty in this situation: You find a $10 bill in the hallway at school or in the couch at home.
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