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  • What is an example of a protein food?
    beef, chicken, lamb, nuts, etc
  • What is an example of a plant based protein food?
    peanut butter, nuts, seeds, tofu, etc
  • What MyPlate category does this food go into?
  • What MyPlate category does this food go into?
  • Name three vegetables
    broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, pumpkin, etc
  • Name two grain foods
    bread, bagel, rice, pretzels, crackers, tortilla
  • What two MyPlate categories does this food go into?
    Grains and Vegetables
  • What MyPlate category does this food go into?
    Dairy (will also accept protein as an answer)
  • What are the five categories of MyPlate?
    Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein, Dairy
  • What is an example of a fruit?
    apple, banana, pomegranate, etc
  • Name three dairy foods
    milk, cheese, ice cream, string cheese, sour cream, etc.