
Characteristics of Life

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  • An antelope was attacked by a lion and now has scars.
    Grow and Heal
  • Sunflowers move to face the sun.
    Response to the environment.
  • Simba was born at the beginning of lion king movie.
  • Unicellular organisms are made up of 1 cell.
    All living things have cells.
  • A seed becomes a plant.
  • Fish are organisms that have many cells.
    All living things have cells.
  • Your body keep careful balance of the amount of water you have in your cells, you get thirsty when your cells are dehydrated.
  • Plants photosynthesize.
    All living things need energy.
  • Fungi break down trees to get the nutrients they need to survive.
    All living things need energy.
  • You accidently touch the oven and pull your hand back, OUCH it's hot!
    Respond to the environment.
  • A shark swims after its prey.
    Response to the environment.
  • Your body will keep in careful balance the amount of sugar in your blood.