
Passive voice, have something done, reflexive pr ...

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  • Zjistil, že všechny jeho peníze byly ukradeny.
    He found out that all his money had been stolen.
  • Dopis by měl být poslán co nejdříve.
    The letter should be sent as soon as possible.
  • Podívala se na sebe v zrcadle.
    She looked at herself in the mirror.
  • Necháváte si koberce pravidelně čistit?
    Do you have your carpets cleaned regularly?
  • Poslužte si (při nabídce občerstvení, vyjádřete slovesem)!
    Help yourselves!
  • Minulý měsíc si nechala namalovat svůj portrét.
    Last month she had her portrait painted.
  • Correct or incorrect: Are you going to the party? No, I haven't invited.
    Incorrect: I haven't been invited.
  • Nemůžeš teď použít ten počítač. Je zrovna používán.
    You can't use that computer now. It's being used.
  • Jak se hláskuje to slovo?
    How is the word spelled/spelt?
  • Correct or incorrect: Don't worry! You will be given a lot of time to decide.
  • Nemůžeme tam teď jít. Pokoj se právě uklízí (je uklízen).
    We can't go there now. The room is being cleaned.
  • Correct or incorrect: Julia had a great holiday. She enjoyed herself.
  • Je to naše vina. Viníme sami sebe.
    It's our fault. We blame ourselves.