
English Class B1 (Unit 5 revision)

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  • He (mieszka w Londynie od) five years.
    has lived in London for
  • How GOOD / WELL can you dance?
  • They work really HARD / HARDLY.
  • (Ile biżuterii) have you got?
    How much jewellery
  • The lake here (nie jest wystarczająco głębokie) to dive.
    isn't deep enough
  • It's raining HEAVY / HEAVILY today.
  • (Wolałbym zobaczyć) a comedy.
    I'd rather see / I'd prefer to see
  • (Czy chciałbyś coś) to drink?
    Would you like something
  • He is a CAREFUL / CAREFULLY driver.
  • Comedies are (bardziej popularne) than documentaries.
    more popular
  • The film isn't (tak ciekawy jak) the book.
    as interesting as
  • The seats in the theatre (były za małe).
    were too small
  • (Nie mam ochoty) eating anything sweet today.
    I don't fancy / I don't feel like
  • I've seen A FEW / A LITTLE  good films this year.
    a few
  • (Czy kiedykolwiek jadłeś) chocolate with chilli?
    Have you ever eaten
  • to / clever / problem / solve / boy / the / enough / the / was
    The boy was clever enough to solve the problem.
  • find / at the market / you / cheapest / the / costumes / can
    You can find the cheapest costumes at the market.
  • There isn't MUCH / MANY food left.
  • I know him very GOOD / WELL.