
types conditionals

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  • If the flight is delayed our guests … (be) late
    will be
  • You wouldn’t have got wet if you … (put on) your mackintosh.
    had put on
  • If they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year.
    have, will open
  • Tom ... (not eat) much “fast food” if his wife … (cook) at home.
    wouldn’t eat, сooked
  • I … (visit) Sarah yesterday if I … (know) that she was ill.
    would have visited, had known
  • I … (go) to the police if I … (be) you.
    would go, were
  • I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me.
    won’t talk, insult
  • If Mum … (not open) the windows, our room … (not be) full of mosquitoes.
    hadn’t opened, wouldn’t have been
  • If she had had a car she … (drive) there.
    would have driven
  • If you … (have) a driving license, you … (get) this job.
    had, would get
  • If you … (go) with me to Paris last month, you … (see) the Eifel Tower too.
    had gone, would have seen
  • We would have gone to the beach if the rain … (stop).
    had stopped
  • If you had given her the letter she … (tear) it to pieces.
    would have torn
  • We … (not get wet) if you … (take) an umbrella.
    wouldn’t have got, had taken
  • If Tom were more careful he … (not break) things.
    wouldn’t break
  • If you (be) tired, take a rest.
    are tired
  • If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion.
    practices, will become
  • If Jack moves too slowly he … (not win) the game.
    won’t win (will not win)
  • If you (have) a headache, take aspirin.
  • If I lost my job I … (move) to the country.
    would move
  • She would invite our kids if they … (behave) themselves.
  • Don’t go outside if it (be) raining.
  • She … (help) us if we … (ask).
    will help, ask
  • If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him.
    doesn’t keep , will be
  • Nick … (not be) so tired this morning if he … (go to bed) early last night.
    wouldn’t have been, had gone
  • They will miss the train if they … (not run.)
    don’t run