
Mrs Twit

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  • Where was Mrs Twit's glass eye always looking?
    The other way
  • True or false: Sunbeams shone out of Mrs Twit's face?
  • Why does Mrs Twit carry a walking-stick? ( The real reason)
    The real reason she carried a walking-stick was so she could hit things with it, things like dogs and cats and children.
  • Why does Mrs Twit carry a walking-stick? (Her reason)
    She used to tell people that this was because she had warts growing on the sole of her left foot and walking was painful.
  • Why can a person with good thoughts NEVER grow ugly?
    If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely
  • What type of voice do you think Mrs Twit has? Can you describe it? Or can you act it out?
    Student's own answer
  • True or False: The text we have read today describes Mrs Twits character, personality and appearance?
  • Mrs Twit has a husband, Mr Twit. Thinking about the text we have just read about Mrs Twit. Can you predict what you think Mr Twit will look like?
    Student's own answer
  • True or false: Mrs Twit is a kind person
  • Find a word in the second paragraph that could be replaced with the word 'lovely'
    'Nice' Mrs Twit wasn't born ugly. She had quite a nice face when she was young.
  • Has Mrs Twit always been ugly? Explain using evidence from the text
    The Ugliness had grown upon her year by year as she got older.