
Honouring parents

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  • prove that honouring parents is a very serious mitzva to observe
    it is compared to honouring Hashem
  • which two letters are not the same with both parents and found in each of the parents?
    yud and hey
  • What is the word in Hebrew for partners?
  • What does Hashem put in a child?
    Neshomo, hearing, sight and speech
  • what instruction is by both Hashem and parents and is punishable by death
  • What word does Hashem use to tell you to respect Hashem?
  • What input does a father have in the son?
    teeth, bones and white of eye
  • What input does the mother have in the son?
    flesh , blood and pupil of eye
  • What word does the Torah use to tell one to fear parents?
  • which instruction re parents is not possible to do to Hashem
  • What word does the Torah use to tell one to respect parents
  • Why is it logical that the Torah compares parents to Hashem regarding respect and fear?
    they are all partners in the child's creation
  • Which two letters are found in both parents - ish and isho?
    alef and shin
  • The Gemorah does not want to say curse Hashem so it changes it to a different word...