
The Civil Rights Movement

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  • Which actor created the character Jim Crow?
    Thomas D. Rice
  • What is it called when people stop using a service in order to create change?
    A boycott
  • How did Martin Luther King die?
    He was assassinated.
  • Which laws permited racial segregation in the USA?
    The Jim Crow Laws
  • What was the first major civil rights protest that Luther King participated?
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • Which sport did Mandela use to unite blacks and whites in South Africa?
  • In the song we listened today, what problem does the narrator's brother face?
    Although he is smart, he can't find a job because he is black.
  • How long did the Montgomery Bus Boycott last?
    Over 1 year
  • Who created the "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" exercise?
    Jane Elliot
  • What was the job of the 3 black women in the movie Hidden Figures?
    They were mathematician / "computers"
  • What is the name of the movement organized by the black community in the USA , whose main goal was fighting for equal rights?
    The Civil Rights Movement
  • What legislation was passed in 1964 as a result of the March on Washington?
    The Civil Rights Act
  • Who finished with the Apartheid system?
    Nelson Mandela
  • What name was given to the speech Luther King gave at the March on Washington?
    I have a dream
  • What is it called when people are separated based on race?
  • Why did Rosa Parks go to prison?
    Because she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man.
  • Where did the 3 women in the movie Hidden Figures work?
    in NASA
  • What was the Apartheid?
    It was a racial segregation regime in South Africa.