
About things about Teacher David

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  • Where is teacher David?
  • Where is Teacher David?
    Outside the nearby Catholic Church
  • What is it?
    Guinea pig held by daughter
  • What is Teacher David doing?
    Giving blood
  • Where are they?
    Boating on a lake
  • Where is Teacher David?
    On the red carpet with famous stars!
  • Who is hungry?
    Teacher David's daughter
  • What is Teacher David doing?
    Receiving his graduation diploma
  • What is Teacher David wearing?
    a brown uniform
  • How do they feel?
  • What is Teacher David making?
    White Bread
  • Where is Teacher David?
    In front of the cherry blossom tree.
  • Where is Teacher David?
    National Assembly
  • Who is Teacher David's friend?
    Teacher David's daughter
  • Where is Teacher David?
    At his university graduation
  • What time of day is it?
    Night in downtown Toronto
  • Who are they?
    Teacher David and Arab students
  • Who are they?
    Teacher David's mother and daughter
  • What is Teacher David doing?
    Teaching kids
  • What happened to Teacher David's hair?
    Dying the hair
  • How does Teacher David feel?
    Happy and free on the streets
  • What is Teacher David eating?
  • What is special event?
    Teacher David's birthday party