
Immune System

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  • Another word for Pathogen is:
  • What happens when most people are vaccinated and germs cannot find anyone to infect?
    herd immunity
  • How many layers of skin do we have? three, five, or ten?
    3 layers
  • Which system fights against germs?
    The immune system
  • What tries to get into your body if you have a cut?
    Pathogens or germs.
  • The immune system remembers pathogens (germs) it has already fought? (true or false)
  • What kind of blood cells protect out bodies from getting sick?
    White Blood Cells
  • What is it called that the doctor puts a dead or weakened form of a disease inside your body?
  • What can we do to keep our immune system working well?
    Getting enough sleep, eating healthy (not too much junk food), and staying away from drugs
  • What is one way that pathogens (germs) can spread?
    Coughing, sneezing, touching without cleaning hands
  • What can also help our immune system do its job to get us healthy?
    Antibiotics (medicine)
  • What is the body's barrier to stop germs from getting in?
    The Skin, mucus, and cillia (tiny hairs)