
Babysitting Abby

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  • Why does Ben say that he needs to find somebody to babysit for Moby?
    Moby acts like a baby.
  • What happened as Ben was working?
    He heard a loud noise.
  • What were Moby and Abby doing when Ben came to the living room?
    Moby was sleeping, and Abby was reading to herself.
  • What was Moby supposed to do when Ben was making a snack in the kitchen?
    He was supposed to be reading her a story.
  • What happened to Ben when he was walking into the living room with the water?
    He stepped on a banana peel and fell.
  • Ben thought that Abby _______ be thirsty, and that he _______ bring her something to drink.
    - may/might - should/ ought to
  • What was Ben doing while Moby was watching the television?
    Ben was reading.
  • Ben thought that food ________ cheer Abby up.
    might/ may
  • What was Abby doing while Moby was making a mess with the cookies?
    Abby was eating her snack very carefully.
  • What happened when Ed and Abby were going to the park?
    It suddenly began to rain.
  • Why can't Ed look after Abby today?
    Because he has a big test tomorrow. He needs to study.
  • Abby was quietly playing on the computer and Moby ____________ under a lot of books.
    was sitting
  • What was Moby doing when Ed called?
    He was playing a game with Moby.
  • Why did Abby cry?
    As they were coming inside, they heard thunder. The loud noise scared Abby.
  • What were Ben and Abby doing when Ben was cleaning the new mess in the bedroom?
    They were drawing pictures in the living room.
  • Ben tells Ed: "You _________ hurry home before everything gets wet."
    had better ('d better)
  • Ben ____________ the living room while Moby and Abby ____________ in the bedroom.
    was cleaning/ were playing
  • Why did Ed need to go home?
    He suddenly remembered that all the windows in his house were open.
  • Abby was drawing on paper and Moby _________.
    was drawing on the wall
  • What is Ed supposed to do today?
    He's supposed to look after his little sister Abby today.