
B1_Unit 1_Lesson 8

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  • What is the English for "кровотеча"?
    a hemorrhage
  • What is the English for "high temperature"?
    a fever
  • What is the English for "лікар"?
    a physician (Make an example)
  • What is the English for "огляд"?
    a checkup (Make an example)
  • What is the English for "a document that a doctor gives you for buying medicine"?
    a prescription
  • What is the synonym for the word "illness"?
    a disease
  • What is the English for "призначити зустріч"?
    to get an appointment
  • What is the English for "захворіти"?
    to get sick
  • What is the English for "біль в животі"?
    a stomachache
  • What is the English for "палата"?
    a ward
  • What is the English for "a person who takes care of you and gives you medical help at your house"?
    a home nurse
  • What is the English for "ветеренар"?
    a veterinarian
  • What is the synonym for the word "tablet"?
  • What is the Engilsh for "лікувати"?
    to cure (Make an example)
  • What is the English for "аптека"?
    pharmacy (Make an example)
  • What is the English for "голод"?
    a famine