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  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: A lion - dangerous - dog.
    A lion is more dangerous than a dog.
  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: Horror movies - exciting - comedies.
    Horror movies are more exciting than comedies.
  • tiger / a / than / is / tortoise / A / faster
    A tiger is faster than a tortoise.
  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: elephant - heavy - penguin.
    An elephant is heavier than a penguin.
  • A butterfly is smaller/bigger than a monkey.
  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: Cats - light - lions.
    Cats are lighter than lions.
  • True or false: The sandcastle is smaller than the tennis ball.
  • Are these light or dark colours?
  • A snake is shorter/longer than a hamster.
  • Are snails fast or slow?
    They are slow.
  • Is he fast or slow?
    He is fast.
  • taller / are / Giraffes / lions / than
    Giraffes are taller than lions.
  • Miss Juli is younger/older than Junior 5.
  • a/ than / sheet of paper / A / is / book / lighter
    A sheet of paper is ligther than a book.
  • Are these dark or light colours?
  • True or false: The snail is faster than the duck.
  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: Whales - big - dolphins
    Whales are bigger than dolphins.
  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: Kahoot - modern - Pac Man
    Kahoot is more modern than Pac Man
  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: fish - slow - shark.
    A fish is slower than a shark.
  • my hair. / curlier / My / than / mum's hair / is
    My mum's hair is curlier than my hair.
  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: Minecraft - boring - Among Us
    Minecraft is more boring than Among Us.
  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: pencil - small - book
    A pencil is smaller than a book.
  • Form, write and say the complete sentence: His car - expensive - my car
    His car is more expensive than my car.
  • An elephant is ligther/heavier than a fish.
  • Is the box heavy or light?
    It is heavy.
  • True or false: The snail is faster than the bird.
  • is / dog / An / than / heavier / elephant / a
    An elephant is heavier than a dog.
  • True or false: The girl is heavier than the fish.
  • Are feathers heavy or light?
    They are light.
  • A bird is ligther/heavier than a zebra.