
Teen Choices Ep.1

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  • What causes Mrs Knowing to be concerned about her granddaughter?
    An email with a strange code.
  • To look like sb/sth, be similar is....
    To resemble
  • What draws Mrs Knowing's attention to the computer?
    The beeping sound.
  • Immediately means....
  • To have sth in your mind as a plan, purpose is...
    To intend
  • Where is Jessica Knowing from and why is she in London?Who is she living with?
    She is from Canada, she is in London on an exchange programme. She is living with her grandparents.
  • "Urgent" means....
    Very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
  • Where is Jessica?
    At school
  • What word is used to say that you have heard sth is true, but you are not 100% sure?
  • "Hesitate" means...
    To pause before saying or doing something, because you are nervous or unsure.
  • "Appropriate" means...
    Suitable for a particular time, situation, purpose.
  • "Cosy" means
    Comfortable and warm
  • "Intrude" means...
    To interrupt somebody or become involved in their private affairs in an annoying way
  • How does Mr Knowing feel about his wife's concerns?
    He is sure that everything is okay.
  • F2F means...