
Mr. T--Essay Process Review

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  • True or False: The conclusion paragraph should mention the author and title again.
  • Correct the two errors in this statement: An essay should be single space with an extra space between paragraphs.
    An essay should be DOUBLE spaced WITHOUT extra spaces between paragraphs.
  • What are the names of the 5 paragraphs in an essay?
    Introduction, body 1, body 2, body 3, conclusion
  • Identify the problem in this sentence: F. Scott wanted to show that the American dream was false.
    F. Scott is a first name and authors should always be referred to by their complete name or by their last name.
  • Name 3 of the 4 autorized hook strategies.
    Anecdote, metaphor, shocking fact, humor
  • What are the two elements of a conclusion paragraph?
    The theme from thesis in different words and the hook from a different perspective.
  • What is the function of the hook?
    To get the reader's attention
  • What is step 9 of the writing process? Hint--It was not on the google slides presentation but we did spend the final week doing this step!
    Edit, edit, edit, and edit some more!
  • Complete this sentence: Writing is. . .
    . . . a continuous process
  • What does each topic sentence have to directly support?
    The thesis statement
  • True or False: A complete bibliography in APA format is NOT a requirement at the end of an essay.
  • Identify the problem with this topic sentence: The Slaves--The slaves are a clear exampe of Bradock Washington's disregard for human life.
    It should NOT have a title (The Slaves--)
  • Identify the problem in this sentence: Nobody told mr. tobin that you were going to be absent.
    Mr. Tobin is a proper noun and requires capital letters.
  • What can you do if you have turned in an assignment and no longer have the permission to edit it?
    Cancel the delivery on Google Classroom. Just be sure to send it again later!
  • True of False: You cannot mention the author, title, characters or any information from a work of literature before the thesis statement.
  • Identify the punctuation error in this sentence: With Margery Lee’s appearance Sally reassured herself that it was the south where she belonged, it had always been the south.
    You cannot connect two independent clauses only with a comma.
  • What are the three parts required on the final delivery of your essay?
    Final draft, rough draft with writing pod comments, and steps 1-8
  • The Fitzgerald essay took one month. How long will our Hemingway essay take?
    One week.
  • How can I arrrange an assesoria with Mr. T and at what time is asesoria available with him?
    By notifying him that you would like an asesoria. They are at 10 am every day.
  • What are the three elements of an introduction paragraph?
    Hook, bridge, thesis statement
  • Name the 4 parts of a body paragraph (not including 5 space indentation).
    Topic sentence, quote (evidence), connecting words, conclusion sentence
  • True or False: It is ok to write your comments on a classmates work without using the google classroom comment function.
  • Identify the two problems with this citation: "He must be very rich," said John simply. "I'm glad. I like very rich people. The richer a fella is, the better I like him." (Fitzgerald, page 22))
    1. Move final period from inside of quotation marks to after parenthetical citation.
  • True or False: The thesis statement should include the three predictors in your final essay.
  • Name the first 8 steps of the writing process
    Identify the task / Generate Ideas / Write Thesis Statement / Organize Ideas / Write Topic Sentences / Body Paragraphs / Write Introduction/ Write Conclusion