
past tense

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  • Answer: Did you stay up late last nights?
    Yes, I did / no, I didn´t
  • Past tense of "begin" and build a sentence with the word
    began/ She began to study for the test at midnight
  • past tense of meet
  • Past tense of "sing" / Built a sentence with the word
    sang / I sang a lot of song from memory
  • Answer: Can you remember your friend´s birthdays?
    Yes, I can / No, I can´t
  • Answer: Did you forget to do the platform?
    Yes, I did / no, I didn´t
  • Past tense of get
  • Answer: Do you have a bad memory?
    Yes, I do / No, I don´t
  • Complete the sentence with the past form of the verb: I _____ a comfortable car
    I had a comfortable car
  • Answer: Do you have a sharp memory?
    Yes, I do / No, I don´t
  • Past tense of "forget" / Built a sentence with the word
    forgot / I forgot to do my homeworks
  • Past tense of ring
  • Answer: Did you fall asleep quickly?
    Yes, I did / no, I didn´t
  • Past tense of feel
  • Answer: What time did you wake up?
    At ______
  • Tell two activities that you did during Holy week
    Teacher´s decision
  • Answer: Are you good at remembering people´s names?
    Yes, I am / No, I´m not
  • Past tense of do
  • Answer: Did you do your homeworks during Holy week?
    Yes, I did / No, I didn´t
  • Past tense of bring
  • Express degrees of certainty: Is your mom at home?
    Yes, she is / No, she´s not // I think so / I don´t think so // Maybe, I´m not sure / I have no idea
  • Express degrees of certainty: Is Petro the next president?
    Yes, he is / No, he´s not // I think so / I don´t think so // Maybe, I´m not sure / I have no idea
  • Complete the sentence with past tense of the verb: I _______ three houses last year
  • Past tense of choose
  • Past tense of leave
  • Answer: What do you do when you can´t sleep?
    Teacher´s decision
  • past tense of "buy" / Build a sentence with the word
    bought / He bought a car
  • Complete the sentence with the past form of the verb: They ___ a lot of books during holidays
  • Past tense of come
  • Answer: How many hours do you sleep each night?
    I sleep six hours
  • Past tense of pay
  • Past tense of eat
  • Answer: When did you study English?
    I studied English last night
  • Answer: Can you sing a song from memory?
    Yes, I can / No. I can´t
  • Past tense of say
  • Past tense of know
  • Answer: Can you tell a cellphone from memory?
    Yes, I can / No, I can´t
  • Complete the sentence with past tense of the verb: My mom _____ a movie at midnight
  • Past tense of give
  • Past tense of "run" / Built a question with the word in past tense
    ran / Did you ran 3 kilometers?
  • Past tense of "sleep" / complete the question in past: What time _____ you sleep yesterday?
    slept / did
  • Past tense of "make" / Build a sentence with the word
    made / I made my family´s food during the week
  • Complete the sentence with the past form of the verb: I _____ some beers with my friends
  • Answer: Do you have an excellent memory
    Yes, I do / No, I don´t
  • Express degrees of certainty: Is your girlfriend faithful?
    Yes, she is / No, she´s not // I think so / I don´t think so // Maybe, I´m not sure / I have no idea
  • Past tense of "go" / Build a question with the word
    went / Did you go to the beach last Holy week?
  • Express degrees of certainty: Are your keys in you back?
    Yes, They are / No They aren´t // I think so / I don´t think so // Maybe, I´m not sure / I have no idea
  • Tell two activities that you did during holy week
    Teacher´s decision
  • Answer: Were you awake for a long time?
    Yes, I was / no, I wasn´t
  • Answer: Do you have a poor memory?
    Yes, I do / No, I don´t
  • Past tense of tell
  • Past tense of "fall" / build a sentence with the word in past tense
    fell / I fell asleep quickly yesterday night
  • Answer: What time did you go to bed yesterday?
    At ______ o´clock
  • Past tense of understand
  • Answer: Did you get up early?
    Yes, I did / no, I didn´t