
Passive Voice &question tag

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  • He isn't from Germany,_____?
    is he
  • The 2023 Football World Cup _______________ (hold) .
    will be held
  • Eric went to India last year, ______________?
    didn't he
  • Brian would help out if he could, _____________?
    wouldn't he
  • Dancing really entertains the teacher, __________?
    doesn't it
  • They had invited him to the cinema. ( He...)
    He had been invited to the cinema.
  • I’m not invited to the wedding, ___?
    am I
  • Smoking _______________ (not allow) on planes.
    isn't allowed
  • She’s got beautiful eyes, ___________ ?
    hasn't she
  • Your dog messed up my garden, ________?
    didn't it
  • Your father is a salesman, _________?
    isn't he
  • By the time we got to the party, all the pizza already_______________ (eat).
    had been eaten
  • They clean the windows every week.(The windows....)
    The windows are cleaned every week.
  • The new boss has made some changes. (Some changes...)
    Some changes have been made by the new boss.
  • I think hotels _______________ (build) in space in the future.
    will be built
  • He hasn't been very lucky lately, _______?
    has he?
  • The kid _____________(play) the ball yesterday.
  • Bubble Tea is addictive,_______?
    isn't it
  • They didn't invite me.(I...)
    I wasn't invited by them.
  • They could have broken the car.(The car ....)
    The car could have been broken.
  • They have a pet, ______________?
    don't they
  • A lot of countries _______________ (take part) in the International Space Station project next year.
    will take part
  • This tree is very old. It ___________________(plant) in the 19th century.
    was planted
  • The man opens the mail every morning.(The mail.....)
    The mail is opened by the man every morning .
  • This photo __________________(take) by my grandfather when I was five.
    was taken
  • We won't be late, ______________?
    will we