
Unit 5: Let's have fun!

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  • What is it?
    go hiking
  • Tell me 3 activities with "have"
    have an ice lolly, have a picnic, have a barbecue
  • what is it?
  • Write a sentence using "would rather" + "instrument of the picture" + sing
    I would rather play the xylophone than sing
  • Write a sentence using "would rather" + "instrument of the picture" + sing
    I would rather play the drums than sing
  • what is it?
  • Write a conditional with "raining" and "go shopping"
    If it's raining, we can go shopping
  • Tell me 3 activities with "go"
    go hiking, go windsurfing, go sailing, go bowling, go shopping, go horse riding
  • what is it?
    go bowling
  • What is it?
    Go sailing
  • what is it?
  • what is it?
  • What is it?
    have an ice lolly
  • what is it?
  • Write a conditional with "dry" and "have a picnic"
    If it's dry, we can have a picinic
  • Write a sentence using "would rather" + "instrument of the picture" + sing
    I would rather play the electric guitar than sing