
Europe’s early middle ages

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  • Alexander the Great conquered many lands and spread Greek culture as far east as where?
  • The Greek Empire weakened and fell to the Romans about when?
    150 BCE
  • Europe had an enormous impact on world culture. Name some from the PowerPoint.
    World’s art, architecture, and even the way many think has been affected by the western Europe.
  • What was the price of the Roman peace?
    tax, slaves and submission from all the lands it controlled.
  • Who are the Roman Legions?
    Roman armed forces
  • What was the common language for the whole empire?
  • History of western European civilization began thousands of years ago where?
    On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Who were denied the rights of Roman citizenship?
    Women, non-Romans and slaves
  • What did the Mediterranean Sea have to sustain large numbers of people?
    Fertile soil, plenty of rainfall and sunshine, climate that was moderate. Plants had a long growing season and could provide a surplus of food
  • The Pax Romana, or Roman peace, encouraged what?
    Trade and the exchange of ideas.
  • The two most important early European civilizations where those of what?
    Greece and Rome
  • What is an example of a Canadian code of law based on Roman laws?
    The right to a fair trial and to rescue from poverty.
  • The ??, the ?? and the ?? – as well as the Celtic people of Ireland, each made a unique contribution. Name the 3 peoples from the PowerPoint
    The Franks, the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings
  • The Roman Legions were so powerful that the Roman Empire at its peak controlled most what?
    Europe, southeast Asia, and northern Africa.
  • The Greeks eagerly studied philosophy. Which is defined as what?
    The search for ideas, wisdom and knowledge.
  • Romans had great libraries filled with ancient works from where?
    Greece and Egypt
  • Romans borrowed Greek what and what and made them their own?
    Attitudes and Learning
  • What does BCE stand for?
    Before the common era
  • Romans gathered thinkers and builders from where?
    Asia, eastern Europe, and the middle east.
  • The Greeks made great advances in what?
    art, architecture, drama, literature, medicine and science.
  • Became superb organizers, developing systems such as what?
    Running water, road networks, and military organizations.
  • the Romans built great cities decorated with what?
    Works of art, magnificent gardens, arenas, public baths and theaters.
  • Romans admired the achievements of the ancient Greeks, so they copied and developed Greek what?
    Arts and architecture.
  • The two most important early European civilizations where those of what?
    Greece and Rome
  • The Mediterranean Sea also provided a transportation route from Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe to do what?
    To trade and learn from one another.
  • For more than six centuries, the what world and what empire were really one and the same?
    Mediterranean world and the Roman Empire
  • Roman scholars and poets wrote......?
    Thousands of books