
Past Simple

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  • Why (take/he) my book ?
    Why did he take my book?
  • Jenny / the door / lock
    Did Jenny lock the door?
  • How many friends (he/meet) yesterday ?
    How many friends did he meet yesterday ?
  • she / home / walk
    Did she walk home?
  • - Where ... (your friends / move)? - My friends moved to Madrid.
    - Where did your friends move? - My friends moved to Madrid.
  • you / in the garden / work/ when
    When did you work in the garden?
  • What (eat /you) last Monday?
    What did you eat last Monday
  • Why (they/ enter) through the window?
    Why did they enter through the window?
  • - ... (she / leave) school last year? - No, she didn't.
    - Did she leave school last year? - No, she didn't.
  • - When ... (she / have) her baby? - She had her baby yesterday.
    - When did she have her baby? - She had her baby yesterday.
  • Why (say/ you) that?
    Why did you say that?
  • - Where ... (she / be born)? - She was born in Spain.
    - Where was she born? - She was born in Spain.
  • Where (Jane/go) on holiday last month?
    Where did Jane go on holiday last month?
  • - ... (you / go) to university? - Yes, I did.
    Did you got to university?- Yes, I did.
  • you / a song / sing
    Did you sing a song?
  • she / happy / be
    Was she happy?